Pokeclicker Pikablu (2025)

1. How to get pikablu. - Generation 4 - Project Pokemon Forums

  • Apr 7, 2009 · First,use strength on the truck...

  • First,use strength on the truck...

2. Pikablu - PokéGods Wiki - Fandom

  • Use the PokeFinder in the water next to the Unknown Dungeon. It should reveal a Poké Ball that talks about a mysterious Pokémon located near Cinnabar Island.

  • Pikablu was an insanely popular and well-known Pokegod that circulated the internet before the release of the short 'Pikachu's Summer Vacation', where it was revealed that Pikablu, (Marill) was just a normal pokemon. Pikablu, also known by the names Pikablue, Ketoblu, blue Mouse and Metablue, is commonly known as the second-most popular PokéGod. It was commonly passed off as an Electric- and Water-type evolution of Pikachu or Raichu, depending on the source. Pikablu soon became a separate Pokémo

Pikablu - PokéGods Wiki - Fandom

3. Pikachu - Pokémon - PokéClicker Wiki

  • Pikachu ; Base Attack, 43 ; Egg Steps, 400 ; Experience, 112 ; Catch Rate, 51% ...

  • Still work in progress. Will be autogenerated later on.

4. PokéClicker Wiki

  • PokéClicker is an open source game built around the story and content of the Pokémon games. · This is an idle & clicker type game that is currently in beta ...

  • Still work in progress. Will be autogenerated later on.

5. How to get Pikablu - Angelfire

6. Blue 5 - Temporary Battles - PokéClicker Wiki

  • Missing: pikablu | Show results with:pikablu

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7. PokéClicker

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8. Pugetsoundjuniorlivestock - All About Everything

  • Pokeclicker Pikablu. v0.31 Talk:Well guide - Dwarf Fortress Wiki. Gluten Ease Walgreens. Commander Zilyana Osrs. Unblocked Games Gunblood. Skip The Games New ...

  • One of the methods to mine cryptocurrency is via software application and the mobile device’s processing capacity.It’s different because it’s readily available, has a wide range of uses, and requires little upfront investment. Crypto mining apps for iPhone and iPad users are pretty common these days...

Pugetsoundjuniorlivestock - All About Everything

9. Pokeclicker France | Facebook

10. Novoselenterprises - All About Everything

  • Tinkergarten Joins Highlights for Children & More! De vergeten boerderij van de familie Van Loon. Craigslist Org St George. Pokeclicker Pikablu. Nba Draftkings ...

  • One of the methods to mine cryptocurrency is via software application and the mobile device’s processing capacity.It’s different because it’s readily available, has a wide range of uses, and requires little upfront investment. Crypto mining apps for iPhone and iPad users are pretty common these days...

Novoselenterprises - All About Everything

11. Pokeclicker quest list and help. - Alucare.fr

  • May 29, 2022 · Tutorial quests, how to advance in pokéclicker. In Pokéclicker, the aim is to capture the entire Pokédex and explore the Kanto region. Along the ...

  • Pokeclicker quest list and help. We've put together a comprehensive guide to help you get started with Pokeclicker. Click here to download

Pokeclicker quest list and help. - Alucare.fr

12. Pikablu – PokéWiki

  • Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 9. Mai 2013 um 23:52 Uhr bearbeitet. Der Inhalt ist verfügbar unter der Lizenz Creative Commons „Namensnennung, ...

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13. Cndsheetmetal - All About Everything

  • Pokeclicker Pikablu. Bedrijfsuitje ideeën | Originele bedrijfsuitjes vol verbinding. How to Add Keyframes in CapCut. So verwenden Sie Keyframes in CapCut ...

  • One of the methods to mine cryptocurrency is via software application and the mobile device’s processing capacity.It’s different because it’s readily available, has a wide range of uses, and requires little upfront investment. Crypto mining apps for iPhone and iPad users are pretty common these days...

Cndsheetmetal - All About Everything

14. Cocoonfengshui - All About Everything

  • Pokeclicker Pikablu. Why it's important not to overtighten your wheel nuts. Where Is The Wps Button On Verizon Router G3100. Kqki Obituaries. Who in Quincy pays ...

  • One of the methods to mine cryptocurrency is via software application and the mobile device’s processing capacity.It’s different because it’s readily available, has a wide range of uses, and requires little upfront investment. Crypto mining apps for iPhone and iPad users are pretty common these days...

Cocoonfengshui - All About Everything

15. Events - PokéClicker Wiki

  • PokéClicker Wiki. ⚙️. PokéClicker Wiki. ×. Home; Events. Events. Events are limited-time periods in which players are given the chance to capture unique Pokémon ...

  • Still work in progress. Will be autogenerated later on.

16. Tp0610 - All About Everything

  • Secret Benefits Review: Is It The Right Dating Site For You? Pokeclicker Pikablu. Review, Referral & Promo Code. Directions To Fedex. Craigslist Rv Ri. Math ...

  • One of the methods to mine cryptocurrency is via software application and the mobile device’s processing capacity.It’s different because it’s readily available, has a wide range of uses, and requires little upfront investment. Crypto mining apps for iPhone and iPad users are pretty common these days...

Tp0610 - All About Everything

17. Pokéclicker : événément Flying Pikachu, notre guide complet

  • Jul 6, 2022 · Depuis minuit, un nouvel évènement a fait son apparition sur Pokéclicker, Flying Pikachu. Cet événement, il vous permet de capturer des ...

  • Depuis minuit, un nouvel évènement a fait son apparition sur Pokéclicker, Flying Pikachu. Cet événement, il vous permet de capturer des Pokémons exclusifs pendant quelques jours. On vous propose de faire le tour complet de ce qu’il nous propose. Comment capturer les Pokémons exclusifs à l'événe...

Pokéclicker : événément Flying Pikachu, notre guide complet

18. Pokeclicker: Exclusive creatures to obtain through events! - Gettotext.com

  • Jun 6, 2022 · If you've been playing Pokéclicker for a few years now, then you know for a fact that many in-game events take place every month.

  • If you've been playing Pokéclicker for a few years now, then you know for a fact that many in-game events take place every month. On the other hand, if you

Pokeclicker: Exclusive creatures to obtain through events! - Gettotext.com
Pokeclicker Pikablu (2025)


Where to find Pikablu in PokeClicker? ›

Use the PokeFinder in the water next to the Unknown Dungeon. It should reveal a Poké Ball that talks about a mysterious Pokémon located near Cinnabar Island. Surf around the right side of Cinnabar Island until you encounter Pikablu.

Where is the farm in PokeClicker? ›

Before completing Kanto, the Farm can be accessed by clicking on its location on the map between Routes 14 and Route 15. Upon reaching Johto, it becomes available in the Shortcuts dropdown modal.

What is poke clicker? ›

You click Pokemon, those Pokemon are then defeated and you move on. Just like in the actual Pokemon games, the general objective is to catch all of the Pokemon in the game. PokeClicker's layout on their website game. Every single region of Pokemon, up until Generation VIII's Galar, is represented in PokeClicker.

How do you farm wandering Pokémon in PokeClicker? ›

A Farm with at least one fully ripe Berry can attract Wandering Pokémon that stay on the field until interacted by either a farm hand or the player. You need to interact with the Wandering Pokémon in order to catch it and it is not guaranteed.

What is the Pokémon that is pink and like a balloon? ›

Known as the Balloon Pokémon, Jigglypuff evolves from Igglybuff when it reaches a certain point of happiness, and evolves into Wigglytuff when exposed to a Moon Stone. Its English name is a combination of the words "jiggly" and "puff", intended to relate to its jelly-like appearance.

What is the red currency in Pokeclicker? ›

Battle Points are the red currency earned from the Battle Frontier that are currently used to buy items from the Battle Frontier Shop and a Furfrou from Friseur Furfrou's shop in Kalos.

What are the shiny odds in Pokeclicker? ›

Location/MethodChance (no Shiny Charm)Chance (Lv 5 Shiny Charm)
Route Encounter1 / 81921 / 4096
Dungeon Encounter1 / 40961 / 2048
Evolution Item/Level Up Evolutions1 / 20481 / 1024
Safari Zone Encounter1 / 10241 / 512
6 more rows

How do you get more fossils in Pokeclicker? ›

Fossils generally can only be obtained upon reaching the region the Pokémon they yield can be found in. However, by utilizing the Daily Deals of the Underground fossils may be obtained (but not bred) in earlier regions.

Can you play Pokeclicker offline? ›

Play offline & improve performance by downloading our desktop client here.

Is Poke virus good? ›

The effects of this virus are very beneficial to the Pokémon that receives it. Catching the virus, however, is a very rare event, as the odds of meeting a wild Pokémon with it is 1 to between 21,178 and 21,845 or roughly 0.004651%. Similar to the Macho Brace, Pokérus will double the Effort Value stats of a Pokémon.

Do autoclickers work on pokeclickers? ›

The main Auto Clicker button can be found under your currencies. Clicking it toggles the Auto Clicker on/off without the need of a refresh.

How do you get pinkan berries in Pokeclicker? ›

Pinkan is a type of Berry that can be planted in the Farm. It can be obtained by surrounding an empty plot with one of every pink color berries found before it in the BerryDex (Pecha, Persim, Nanab, Mago, Qualot, Magost and Watmel) .

What are the odds of getting a roaming Pokemon in Pokeclicker? ›

The chance to encounter a roaming Pokémon is 1/8192 for the first route of a region, and increases linearly up to 1/4096 for the last route of a region. "First" and "last" here refer to the health of the Pokémon on these routes, not necessarily the order they are unlocked.

How does the Pokerus work in Pokeclicker? ›

Pokérus is a beneficial virus to any Pokémon that catches it. Once a Pokémon is infected by the Pokérus, it may gain Effort Values (EVs), which multiplicatively increase the attack of that Pokémon via the EV Damage Multiplier.

Where can I find Weedles? ›

It hides in grass and bushes where it eats leaves. Locations: Catch Weedle on Route 2 in Pokemon Red, as well as Route 24, 25 and Viridian Forest in both Pokemon Red and Blue. Weedle does not appear in Pokemon Yellow and can only be obtained through trade with Blue/Red owners.

Where is Aipom? ›

Aipom can be found kind of all over the place in Kitakami. It is in grassy and mountainous areas all along the west, southwest, southeast, and northeast Kitakami. You can sometimes find them in trees as well. Once you have one, your next goal is to get it to learn the move Double Hit.

Where is the cave of origin in Pokeclicker? ›

On the West of Route 126, Northwest of Sootopolis City. Cave of Origin is a dungeon in Hoenn.

How to find Poke doll? ›

It has the appearance of a small Clefairy doll which is capable of allowing the player to instantly escape from a wild Pokémon battle. Poké Dolls can be bought in the Celadon Department Store in the Kanto region and found in the Battle Pyramid.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.