What Is Warpath: Jurassic Park Like (2025)

1. Warpath: Jurassic Park

  • Warpath: Jurassic Park features 14 unique dinosaurs and arenas, many from the Jurassic Park movies, along with information and facts about each of them.

  • Warpath: Jurassic Park is a fighting style video game released for the PlayStation console on October 31, 1999. It was developed by DreamWorks Interactive alongside Black Ops Entertainment. It was published by Electronic Arts. Warpath: Jurassic Park features 14 unique dinosaurs and arenas, many from the Jurassic Park movies, along with information and facts about each of them. Each dinosaur has their own unique attacks, whilst each arena has its own hazards, as well as edible creatures such as g

Warpath: Jurassic Park

2. Warpath: Jurassic Park - Hundstrasse

  • Jul 10, 2023 · Warpath offers a standard and respectable amount of game modes, but nothing out of the ordinary. Most people will likely just mash the 'Arcade' option and go ...

  • Oh, it’s that time again. Time to tune in, sit back, put on your best Dino-attire, and listen as I deftly lay out the intricacies of another Jurassic Park game that I’ve sampled in my ongoing, but very slow, quest to play all the Jurassic Park games out there. Given the rich world that the original movie created, I’ve been surprised by the lack of story driven games in the ones I’ve sampled so far. Despite being flawed, only the Telltale offering has embarked upon any kind of meaningful story driven experience. That is until Warpath. Its expanded plot fills in the gaps of the movie’s lore creating a delicately woven web of intrigue, mystery, and suspense that….

3. Warpath: Jurassic Park - IGN

  • Nov 18, 1999 · This game has no sense of reality, and it is awfully bloody for a Spielberg license. It does pack a lot of meat and gristle in the graphics ...

  • This game has no sense of reality, and it is awfully bloody for a Spielberg license. It does pack a lot of meat and gristle in the graphics and frenzied gameplay, but only blood-thirsty arcade gamers will be truly pleased with the title.

Warpath: Jurassic Park - IGN

4. Warpath: Jurassic Park (PlayStation) Review - HonestGamers

Warpath: Jurassic Park (PlayStation) Review - HonestGamers

5. Warpath: Jurassic Park (Video Game) - TV Tropes

  • Warpath: Jurassic Park is a fighting video game released on the PlayStation console in 1999. It is a spin-off of the films Jurassic Park (1993) and The Lost ...

  • Warpath: Jurassic Park is a fighting video game released on the PlayStation console in 1999. It is a spin-off of the films Jurassic Park (1993) and The Lost World: Jurassic Park. It was developed by DreamWorks Interactive and Black Ops …

Warpath: Jurassic Park (Video Game) - TV Tropes

6. Jurassic Park's Worst Game Works Better After Jurassic World Movies

  • May 25, 2022 · A dinosaur fighting game, Warpath: Jurassic Park pit various dinosaurs against one another to the death. This primary gameplay focus, naturally, ...

  • Worst Jurassic Park game matches Jurassic World.

Jurassic Park's Worst Game Works Better After Jurassic World Movies

7. WARPATH - JURASSIC PARK - (PAL) - The Playstation Datacenter

  • Do you like playing as the "bad guys"? Do you enjoy controlling characters from a movie who cause agony and suffering for the protagonists? Well, if you're ...

  • Within 3D arenas you will be able to claw and mangle your dinosaur opponents with your tail, claws, jaws and teeth. Execute devastating combos and grappling moves that will cause your foe to writhe in pain and gasp for its final breath. Each of the 14 unique dinosaurs has different abilities as well. Watch in awe as the brutal T-Rex devours and crushes its opponent with raw power and strength. Although the Raptor is quick, its deadly slashes teamed with razor-sharp claws may prove to be just as effective.

8. Warpath: Jurassic Park - IGN

  • Nov 15, 1999 · Developed by Black Ops, Warpath: Jurassic Park builds upon the movie universe created by Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg, pitting many of ...

  • Dreamworks and Electronic Arts aren't going to let a good license just…

Warpath: Jurassic Park - IGN

9. Warpath: Jurassic Park Reviews - Metacritic

  • Nov 17, 1999 · SAVAGE DINOSAUR FIGHTING! Key Features: - 14 unique dinosaurs including T-Rex & Mega Raptor - Over 10 fighting arenas from Jurrasic Park and ...

  • SAVAGE DINOSAUR FIGHTING! Key Features: - 14 unique dinosaurs including T-Rex & Mega Raptor - Over 10 fighting arenas from Jurrasic Park and Lost World - Edible power-ups and destructible environments - Intense 1 & 2 player action

10. Warpath: Jurassic Park

  • Set within iconic environments inspired by the films, the game features a roster of fan-favorite dinosaurs like the T. rex, Velociraptor, and Spinosaurus, among ...

  • Warpath: Jurassic Park is a 1999 fighting video game developed by Black Ops Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts for the Sony PlayStation. It allows players to take control of various dinosaurs in head-to-head combat, drawing from the Jurassic Park franchise. Set within iconic environments inspired by the films, the game features a roster of […]

Warpath: Jurassic Park

11. Warpath: Jurassic Park (1999) - MobyGames

  • The dinosaurs are decent looking and the sounds of the dinosaurs roars are just brilliantly clear. There was a great selection of dinosaurs in this game like ...

  • Using the many dinosaurs from the two Jurassic Park movies, you choose your type and fight it out one-on-one with other dinos to become the supreme dino in the park. Each arena represents a place in the two Jurassic Park movies, and there is a museum...

Warpath: Jurassic Park (1999) - MobyGames

12. Obscusion B-Side: Warpath: Jurassic Park: Open the Door, Get On the ...

  • Jun 8, 2015 · Add to that a small handful of special attacks for each dino, done with quarter-circle motions & the like, and even pre-set combo chains, and ...

  • As a child of the 90s, it's no surprise that Steven Spielberg's movie adaptation of Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park is a favorite film of ...

Obscusion B-Side: Warpath: Jurassic Park: Open the Door, Get On the ...

13. Warpath: Jurassic Park On GameVortex.com - PSIllustrated.com

  • GameVortex's review of Warpath: Jurassic Park. Warpath has some of the best creature graphics that I have ever seen. Smooth lines and no blockiness to the ...

  • GameVortex's review of Warpath: Jurassic Park. Warpath has some of the best creature graphics that I have ever seen. Smooth lines and no blockiness to the dinosaurs. The backgrounds are very well designed based on many of the sets from the two Jurassic Park movies. They can get a little blocky on close inspection, but this little bit of blockiness allows the rendering of the dinosaurs to be superb. The sound effects are straight out of the movies, with the T-Rex roar having a familiar sound. If you are playing in a 3D surround sound environment, the sound engulfs you, but if you are not, don't fret. The FX and the music remain full and alive in the 2-channel stereo mix and add excitement to your battles.

14. Warpath: Jurassic Park » YMMV - TV Tropes

  • Fridge Brilliance: The herbivorous dinosaurs like Stygimoloch and Styracosaurus are able to chomp on compies to regain their health alongside their carnivore ...

  • Fridge Brilliance: The herbivorous dinosaurs like Stygimoloch and Styracosaurus are able to chomp on compies to regain their health alongside their carnivore counterparts. Current theories and the fact that modern herbivorous mammals like deer …

Warpath: Jurassic Park » YMMV - TV Tropes
What Is Warpath: Jurassic Park Like (2025)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.